Oct 26, 2020
What happens in a world where we simply cannot unplug but still need to find balance and thrive as distractions mount? And, what if we don't know we're distracted? How do we see the full impact of the diversions we don't think twice about today?
Brian Solis found his work affected by his day-to-day digital routines,...
Oct 19, 2020
The market for cryptocurrencies expanded dramatically over the last few years, and it's no secret this growth outpaced understanding of what remains bleeding-edge technology. This discussion with cryptocurrency analyst Willy Woo and CoinDesk strategist Nolan Bauerle aims to bring focus and clarity to the frontier...
Oct 12, 2020
The medicinal use of cannabis has catapulted it into the mainstream, but its potential benefits go beyond physical health. From moderator Ricky William's experience, the most profound effect its had on his life has been spiritual...in helping him find his purpose. This panel explores how cannabis may contribute to...
Oct 5, 2020
While new media platforms have expanded opportunities for diverse journalists and storytellers to create, curate and distribute news and entertainment content, additional support and proactive efforts are needed to help these diverse new entrants find a path to being discovered by an audience and to profitability.